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Harnessing the Networking Potential of Career Center Events

March 20, 2017 10:16 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

By HELEN EATON Weekly or even daily, on our campuses and across college communities, students are afforded opportunities to network with potential employers. Industry nights, conversations with alumni, and guest speakers give you the chance to introduce yourself, express interest, and share your goals with potential employers. Be engaged Simply attending a networking event is... Read More »

Next Steps: After Your Internship

December 15, 2016 10:42 pm Published by 3 Comments

By BRIAN HIRSCH “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” Tony Robbins Some people know exactly what they want to do when the go into an internship. Some people change their mind and some don’t. And then there are those of us who were not sure going in but... Read More »

Moving Beyond Majors, Connecting Students to their Purpose

December 14, 2016 8:33 pm Published by 1 Comment

By KEITH SMITH Consider the following two statements: “I am majoring in Public Health” and “I am learning about public health because I want to improve unsafe water conditions in third world countries.” Which do you think is more intrinsically motivating?  Not a hard decision, right?  Meaning is something we want in our work, and... Read More »

International Students in the Job Search: Best Practices

December 14, 2016 3:07 pm Published by 1 Comment

By KATY ARENSCHIELD In today’s market, it is crucial that ALL students, including international students, gain career-related experience before graduation. International students already face obstacles in landing full-time employment; they have to prove to the company that they are the BEST candidate for the job. This makes it even more important that they are provided... Read More »

Leveraging Lunch

November 22, 2016 8:27 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

By DEMETERIUS SMITH  Hello. Thank you for taking the time to stop and read this post. It is the first in a new series that I hope you will find professionally beneficial, personally inspiring, and impactful enough to share with others. Let’s start by talking about the most important time of the workday; which happens... Read More »

Definitions Vary for Co-op and Internship

November 18, 2016 11:43 am Published by Leave your thoughts

By DAWN KOELTZOW The terms internship and co-op can vary at different schools. At Bradley University, we have a centralized Cooperative Education and Internship Program. We use the term ‘internships’ for most of our placements. Students work full-time alternating, full-time single semester, and/or part-time parallel. Internship employers offer structured programs, good training, hands-on supervision, and... Read More »

Co-op Vs. Internship: What’s the Difference?

November 18, 2016 7:22 am Published by Leave your thoughts

By DEBRA BARRICK  You say “tuh-mey-toh” and I say “toh-mah-toh”.   Co-op and intern can be like that…..with the terms often being used interchangeably. However, while Cooperative Education is implemented differently from institution to institution, there are certain characteristics that remain relatively constant from one program to the next. Cooperative Education is an academic program that... Read More »

The Rise of Working Learners

November 17, 2016 1:20 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

By L&D A recent study by the ACT Foundation uncovered a rise in the number of working learners, ATD reported. Working learners are defined as “individuals who work for pay and learn toward a credentialing at the same time.” The article points out that this education can be formal training or personal skill development, and... Read More »