Professional Development is the cornerstone of CEIA. CEIA serves professionals around the world who practice and promote the educational strategy of combining work and learning. In addition to providing relevant research and surveys along with over 50 years of research in our Journal , resource materials, Experience Magazine, and networking among colleagues, CEIA provides and promotes professional development opportunities such as:
CEIA Webinars highlight trending topics in an accessible and affordable format. We line up industry experts for free, hour-long webinars for CEIA members (there is a small, per offering charge if you are not a CEIA member). Sign up and log in for information you can use at your institution. Recent webinars have looked at: best practices and challenges facing programs of different sizes; developing an internship program at the high school level; expanding experiential learning opportunities for your students.
What are the topics you’d like to learn more about? Submit your ideas and potential presenters to Tracey Lord, , Vice President of Professional Development.