Annual Conference 2025

Join us in Tucson in 2025!

Join us April 6 – 8, 2025, in beautiful Tucson, Arizona, for the next CEIA Conference!  This year’s conference theme is “Oasis in the Desert: Nurturing the Workforce through Work-Integrated Learning”.   The Westin La Paloma Resort will serve as the stage to reconnect with our colleagues and further conversations on cooperative education and internships, apprenticeships, workforce development, and plenty more.  

Contact Rich Robles at with questions.

Conference Updates

Featured Speakers

CEIA welcomes Mary Scott and Graham Donald as our featured speakers.  Mary will be our Monday speaker and will be discussing the student experience while Graham’s remarks will be about the employer perspective.  

Pre-Conference Workshops are Set

New to the conference, we will be featuring the following pre-conference workshops on Sunday, April 6, 1-3 PM.

Breaking Into Work-Integrated Learning: The Essentials Toolkit for New Practitioners

Presented by Dr. Tracey Dowling, CEIA VP for Professional Development &
Kelly Harper, CEIA Past President and VP for Region 4

New to the field of Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) and eager to build a strong foundation? Breaking Into Work-Integrated Learning: The Essentials Toolkit for New Practitioners is designed to equip early-career professionals with the knowledge and tools to develop and manage quality WIL programs. This session will explore the basic components of program structure and their alignment with organizational goals. Join us to develop the skills and strategies needed to create impactful WIL experiences for your students!

Apprenticeship Basics

Presented by Molly Thompson, CEIA Past President &
Michelle Gayne, Apprenticeship Navigator, Maine Community College System

This session will provide a full overview of the apprenticeship model, including

  • Basic requirements and structures for apprenticeships in the US
  • An overview of the federal registration system and how to get started on a program
  • How apprenticeships compare to co-op and internships
  • Integrating apprenticeships into existing degree programs
  • Micro-credential opportunities
  • Industry sponsored certificates with embedded apprenticeships

ASCEND: Preparing Work-Integrated Learning Practitioners for the Future 

Ross Johnston, CEIA Past President
Dr. Kristen Gallo, CEIA President Elect
Celeste Lindell, CEIA Vice President for Region 5
David Schwartz, CEIA ASCEND Program Ad Hoc Team Chair

Join the group commissioned by the CEIA Board of Directors as they discuss their research and the forthcoming ASCEND leadership program. This cohort-based leadership program will equip practitioners with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the evolving landscape of career development and work-integrated learning. The ASCEND program launches in summer 2025. 

Check Out the Post-Conference Workshop

CEIA has partnered with the Brainstorm Strategy Group to offer the Employer Relations Accelerator after the Annual Conference, on Wednesday, April 9, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

  • The workshop will be at the CEIA Conference Hotel
  • Registration is separate from the CEIA Conference
  • Use the promotion code CEIA20 to save 20% off the registration rate. You must be registered for the CEIA Annual Conference to receive the discount.

A message from

Conference Committee

  • Conference Chair –  Richard Robles
  • Association Management –  Peggy Harrier
  • Sponsor Outreach –  David Caffo & Scott Maynard
  • Exhibitors – Tracey Dowling
  • Local Arrangements –  Patty Bazrod & Nan Breckenridge
  • Graphics –  Lisa Barlow
  • Registration –  Penny Grob 
  • Programs –  Mandy McLaughlin
  • Technology –  Tyrone “TJ” Johnson
  • Photography – TBD