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Elevate Experiential & Work-Integrated Learning; Submit a #CEIA2019 Proposal

October 22, 2018 2:34 pm Published by 2 Comments

By: Andrew Harper, St. Edward’s University

As chair of the Programs Committee for the 2019 Conference, I want to encourage all of you, our community of educators, employers, practitioners, researchers and scholars, to submit a session proposal this Friday!

Many of you may be contemplating what you could contribute through a session at the upcoming conference. Recently, I have had the privilege of participating in the CEIA Fall Board of Directors Meeting and several other association committee conference calls.  Through these meetings and conversations, I have gained a sense of what is on the minds of those that are leading our profession. Some of those topics that could make great conference sessions include:

  • – Encouraging employers to make the investment in structured cooperative education, experiential learning, internship and work-integrated learning
  • – Marketing the the value of cooperative education, experiential learning, internships and work-integrated learning through social media, special events and other strategic communication activities for all our stakeholders
  • – Preparing, protecting and supporting students in the workplace, especially given the national conversation of the harassment that may occur
  • – Providing insights of the career concerns, challenges, learning styles and motivations of this generation of college students OR those of specific populations
  • – Sharing highlights and results of assessment of any courses, events or events that you have administered
  • – Using technology to more effectively administer experiential learning and work-integrated learning courses and programs
  • – Working with stakeholders to expand and better integrate cooperative education, experiential learning, internship and work-integrated learning programs in college and/or employer environments

All of the above topics and other ideas you may be considering can be delivered in a traditional breakout session with a presentation slide deck.  However, you could also engage our community at the conference with these topics in these session formats as well:

  • – Assemble your best practice or perspective on a relevant topic that you would deliver though 20 slides in 6 minutes along with two other proposals/facilitators selected by the programs committee (Pecha Kucha or Ignite style format)
  • – Generate three basic questions around a topic and lead a quick conversation with colleagues (speed session format)
  • – Guide colleagues through a structured exercise to generate conversation and possible solutions by providing brief context  on a topic relevant to our profession (hot topic roundtable format)
  • – Moderate a discussion with expert colleagues (breakout session format)

For more information on submitting a proposal, please visit the #CEIA2019 website:  Also, please contact myself or any members of the programs committee with questions:

  • – Andrew Harper, St. Edward’s University (Chair)  
  • – Sarah Burrows, Providence College (Session Coordinator)
  • – Lena Carr, Linn Benton Community College (Session Coordinator)  
  • – Krista Paul, High School District 214 (Session Coordinator)
  • – Cara Doyle,  North Carolina State University – Raleigh (2019 Conference Chair)
  • – Katy Arenschield, The Ohio State University
  • – Shirisha Mudunuri, University of South Carolina
  • – Rebecca Pettitt,  University of Puget Sound
  • – Devon Wilson, North Carolina State University – Raleigh

We look forward to reviewing your proposals.  We also hope to #CEIAinChiTown next spring!

AUTHOR: Andrew D. Harper, St. Edward’s University, CEIA Programs Committee Chair

Andrew Harper is the Manager of Employer Relations for the St. Edward’s University Career and Professional Development Office in Austin, Texas.  Andrew has been advocating for the expansion and integration of experiential and work-integrated learning through leadership in several professional associations.  

His leadership includes serving as a past president and conference chair of the Texas Cooperative Education & Internship Association (TxCEIA), programs and local arrangements chair for the Southern Association & Colleges and Employers (SoACE) and representing Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas on the Cooperative Education Board of Directors (CEIA).  In addition to serving as the chair of the 2019 Conference Programs Committee, Andrew has been appointed chair of the 2020 CEIA Conference. Last year at the 2017 SoACE Conference in San Antonio, he was honored to receive the Champion of Diversity Award.

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  • I encourage everyone to submit a proposal to present at our national conference next spring in Chicago. We would like to have you join us!

  • Ronnie Porter says:

    Please share your best practices and expertise and submit a proposal for the CEIA, 2019 Conference in Chicago!

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