CEIA Hosts Virtual Career Fair on March 26, 2019
CEIA Virtual Career Fair on March 26, 2019
CEIA will once again sponsor the CEIA Internship and Co-op Virtual Career Fair on March 26, 2019. This event is open to all students at every CEIA member institution. At this time, we are asking member schools to promote the event to their employer contacts. See the employer information below. Student marketing information will be sent out in February once employers have begun to register.
Employer Information
The Cooperative Education and Internship Association is hosting a nationwide virtual career fair on March 26, 2019. CEIA has over 700 members representing schools across North America and abroad. This fair will be open to students of all majors. For more information go to the CEIA Virtual Career Fair information page.
Categorized in: Career Fairs, CEIA Program Information
This post was written by rich@ceiainc.org
1 Comment
I would love to know the results of the fair. employer #’s and registrations and how many attendees. We had promoted this at my university in FIU.