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July 18, 2016 5:30 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

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CEIA has launched a re-envisioned Research Project Grant with a focus on engaging undergraduate students in performing research, to be conducted with experiential education practitioners in the field. The $4,000 grant will be awarded at the spring conference in Denver, with the understanding that the grant recipient(s) will present at the conference in spring of 2017.

Criteria for proposal submissions:

The project objectives must have potential implications for practice beyond the grant holder’s institution and hold reasonable expectations for actionable findings. The project must also include adequate and appropriate training for the undergraduate student researchers.

Examples of potential research projects:

  • Creation and integration of a time management module or app into a WIL experience to help students manage work, life and academics during course or term.
  • Study the growth of professional skills on first generation college student’s before and after a WIL experience.
  • Creation of a multi-level career readiness program engaging a student in mentorships (Freshman & Sophomore), internship or co-op (Junior & Senior) and a case study (last semester senior) where they are exposed to real business situations and solutions.
  • Designing a survey tool to measure career confidence levels of students before and after participating in career development programming.
  • Research the effects of participation of a WIL experience on academic performance.

The full guidelines for proposals are in the research tab on Guidelines can also be found here:

The deadline is Oct. 1st, but early submissions are encouraged. Please submit Research Grant Proposals to the current CEIA Vice President of Research, Sarah Burrows, Ed.D., and

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This post was written by CEIA Inc

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