Conference Sponsorship

Why sponsor the conference?

Sponsoring the annual conference is a great way to:

  • Increase brand awareness at the leading national conference dedicated to Cooperative Education and Internships.
  • Network with more than 350 educators and employers from across the country.
  • Gain access to conference attendee contact information.
  • Assist in honoring outstanding achievements by students, practitioners, and researchers.
  • Support the improvement and expansion of quality, work-integrated learning programs, which are critically important experiences that lead to future success.

Conference sponsorship tiers

Sponsorship Includes:

  • 1 Exhibitor table
  • 3 Memberships
  • 3 Full conference registrations
  • 1 Full-page ad in the conference booklet

Exposure provided:

Five-minute address to all conference attendees on either:

  • Morning of the first day of the conference
  • Morning of the second day of the conference

Sponsorship Includes:

  • 1 Exhibitor table
  • 3 Memberships
  • 2 Full conference registrations
  • 1 Full-page ad in the conference booklet

Exposure provided:

Five-minute address to all conference attendees on either:

  • Lunch on the first day of the conference
  • Lunch on the second day of the conference

Sponsorship Includes:

  • 1 Exhibitor table
  • 2 Memberships
  • 1 Full conference registrations
  • 1 half-page ad in the conference booklet

Exposure provided:

Recognized on the conference schedule and signage as a sponsor of one of the following conference events:

  • President’s Reception
  • Awards Banquet Reception

Sponsorship Includes:

  • 1 Exhibitor table
  • 1 Memberships
  • 1 Full conference registrations
  • 1 Half-page ad in the conference booklet

Exposure provided:

Recognized on conference schedule and signage as sponsor of one of the following:

  • First day AM Break
  • First day PM Break
  • Second day AM Break
  • Second PM Break

Sponsorship Includes:

  • 1 Quarter-page ad in the conference booklet

Exposure provided:

Recognized on conference schedule and signage as sponsor of one of the following:

  • CEIA Academy Alumni Reception
  • New Members’ Mingle
  • Hospitality Reception


What other branding opportunities are available?

Event Options:

  • Presidents Reception – $6,000
  • First day Breakfast & Welcome – $5,000
  • First day Lunch/Business meeting – $4,000
  • Second day Breakfast – $5,000
  • Second day Lunch – $4,000
  • Gala Awards Reception & Banquet – $6,000
  • Reception Entertainment (2) – $1,500

Exposure Provided:

All sponsors will be recognized on the conference webpage, guidebook, printed program distributed to attendees at the conference, signage at conference as well as specified events, slides running before all attendee sessions and social media posts prior to conference.

Presidents Reception – Solely own sponsorship of the highly anticipated party at CEIA National Conference. Your logo will be the only featured logo on creative branding located at the reception.

Breakfast or Lunch – Over 300 CEIA members will be invited to breakfast and lunch on Monday and Tuesday. Be front and center with these experiential learning professionals as the premier sponsor. Your logo will be the only featured logo on creative branding located at the meal.

Reception Entertainment – Open up or Close out the CEIA Conference by providing attendees with the best entertainment! Your brand will be highlighted when the entertainment is announced during the event, and your company’s name will be prominently displayed.

Gala Awards Reception & Banquet – Provide your current and future clients with the glow-up they need for CEIA’s annual CEIA Awards Gala (The Oscars of our industry). Mingle with our members as they get ready for the gala, and they will appreciate all the pampering you sponsored for them. Your logo will be the only featured logo on creative branding located at the Gala.

Marketing Options:

  • Conference Program
  • Annual Report (distributed at the business meeting)
  • Conference Announcement
  • Volunteer Recognition Certificates
  • Name Badges
  • Personal Pronoun Ribbons

Exposure Provided:

These items will be distributed to attendees when they check-in to the conference and the Annual Business meeting. Again, Sponsors will be recognized on the conference webpage, guidebook, printed program distributed to attendees at the conference, signage at conference as well as specified events, slides running before all attendee sessions and social media posts prior to conference.

Sponsorship Options:

  • Conference Bags
  • Pens
  • Sunglasses
  • Water bottles
  • Door Prizes
  • Photo Booth (President’s Reception)
  • Step and Repeat Banner (available throughout the conference)

Provided Exposure:

These items will be distributed to attendees when they check-in to the conference, during every full attendee meeting/meal and the Annual Business meeting. The CEIA Conference Committee wants attendees to share the great experience they are having at the conference by taking pictures and sharing them on social media, what a way to showcase your brand with a photo booth or step and repeat banner. Again, Sponsors will be recognized on the conference webpage, guidebook, printed program distributed to attendees at the conference, signage at conference as well as specified events, slides running before all attendee sessions and social media posts prior to conference.

Conference sponsors at all contribution levels will be recognized on the website, digital and printed conference booklets, physical signage throughout the conference spaces, scrolling PowerPoint slides running before all conference attendee sessions, and social media posts prior to the conference.

What are the options for placing an ad in the conference booklet?

Placement in Program Size Cost
 Back cover, full page, full color  7-1/4" x 9-1/2"
 Inside front cover, full page, full color  7-1/4" x 9-1/2"  $395
 Inside back cover, full page, full color  7-1/4" x 9-1/2"  $395
 Inside program, full page, B&W  7-1/4" x 9-1/2"  $300
 Inside program, half page, B&W  7-1/4" x 4-3/4"  $215
 Inside program, quarter page, B&W  3-1/2' x 4-3/4"  $125

Each organization is responsible and submitting their ad in a JPEG or PNG format to

Questions regarding sponsorships?

For more sponsorship information, please contact:
Scott Maynard:

For technical assistance with registration and payment, contact:
Peggy Harrier (CEIA Executive Director): 513-543-6664 or